Under Show... you will find different options regarding which parts (of the selected part types) that should be included with regard to shortages and reservations, which method is applied for the order suggestion and which information the list should show.
The alternative Order suggestions is crucial for deciding which method is applied, and is described under General Information about Requirement Calculation, depending on whether the system should generate order suggestions to generate manufacturing orders and purchase orders in the Manufacturing Order Suggestion or Purchase Order Suggestion procedures respectively, or whether these orders should be registered manually instead.
Under Show... you will find different options regarding which parts (of the selected part types) that should be included with regard to shortages:
- Parts without shortage - shows all parts without shortages. (Also shows parts with shortage according to the three criteria below.)
- Parts with definite shortage (< 0) - if a requirement makes the available balance fall below zero (negative available balance), the part will be included in the list. (Does not include parts that only fall below the safety stock or the reorder point.)
- Parts with shortage (< safety stock) - if a requirement makes the available balance fall below the safety stock balance, the part will be included in the list. (This also includes parts with definite shortages.)
- Parts with shortage (< Reorder point) - if a requirement makes the available balance fall below the reorder point, the part will be included in the list. (This also includes parts with definite shortages and parts with shortage < safety stock.)
Parts without Reservations
This alternative also shows parts with no reservations from customer orders or manufacturing orders.
Order Suggestions
This alternative lets the system add both manufacturing order suggestions and purchase order suggestions, to cover any shortages that occur within the planning horizon entered under Period (order suggestion). The system will then generate an order suggestion for a quantity, as well as the start and finish period for M-orders or order and delivery period for customer orders, when the shortage occurs for the first time.
Under Generate you can select if you want to generate order suggestions by default or not.
If the current supplier has a lead time (in the supplier links for a part), that lead time is applied before using any lead times for the part. This applies only for purchased parts.
The Order suggestions option requires that you select the Detailed or Total option under Level.
If you have selected Order suggestions, the following columns are added to the list: Quantity, Start, Finish (M-parts and P-parts) or Order period, Delivery period (P-parts), Own suggestion as well as Available. The columns are described below.
Quantity shows the system’s order quantity suggestion.
Start or Order period shows the suggested start or order period for the manufacturing order or purchase order suggestion.
Finish or Delivery period shows the suggested finish or delivery period for the manufacturing order or purchase order suggestion. If the supplier that the suggestion was created for has a "Fixed delivery day", the suggested delivery period for the purchase order suggested is always advanced to that week day.
Own suggestion is used to enter you own suggested order quantity. Own suggestion does not show any values initially, in that column you are supposed to enter an order quantity as your own suggestion. You can also enter a new period in the Finish column to change the finish period (delivery period). This means that if you enter your own suggestion, it will only affect the Finish and Own suggestion columns. If you enter your own suggestion for a period that the system has already entered a suggestion for, then the Quantity field for that period will be greyed out. You can also enter your own suggestions for those periods in the list that do not have any previous order suggestions. If you enter your own suggestion, the system will recalculate the available balance from that period and onwards for that part, once you change rows in the list.
Available shows what the available balance would be, if the order suggested were to be generated into an actual order.
In some situations when you use order suggestions, the system can create a rescheduling suggestion instead of an order suggestion. This applies to parts using lot sizing rule P (Period requirement) or F (Fixed quantity), if a shortage that occurs can be covered by a manufacturing order or purchase order that has already been placed further ahead in time. For lot sizing rule F you must enter a general grace period in number of days as the planning horizon. This is determined by the setting General grace period (creates time shortage instead of material shortage), under Requirements planning under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.
A rescheduling suggestion appears in the list as Reschedule to in order to reschedule the finish or delivery period of the actual order to an earlier date. You can execute the rescheduling of actual orders in the Rescheduling Suggestion - In procedure, or by selecting the order row and right-clicking in the list and selecting the Replan order... option in the Info menu.
Supplier Links
This alternative shows linked suppliers per part. You can also temporarily change supplier, to determine for which supplier you want purchase order suggestions to be created. See more under Supplier links and Consumption statistics.
Consumption Statistics
This alternative shows a table with consumption statistics for each part, as a total for the current month and for each of the past 11 months. Can also be used as support for entering your own suggestions. See more under Supplier links and Consumption statistics.