General Information about Move Stock Balance

Why Use This Procedure?

The Move Stock Balance procedure can only be used if you are using multiple stock locations. This is configured with the system setting Use multiple locations? under Location in the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.

This procedure will then allow you to move the stock balance of a part from one location to another, or to several new or existing stock locations. You can also create new locations when moving stock balances.

Age Analysis on Stock Locations

When you move a stock balance from one stock location to another or to several locations, these locations will have the same "Last arrival date" as the location from which the balance is moved. This means that the age analysis can be maintained for the stock balance that is being moved.

Please Note! When moving stock balance to an existing location that already has a stock balance, the "Last arrival date" will be changed for the existing location to where the stock balance is moved. You have to be aware of that this means that an age analysis, if any, of the stock balance on the existing stock location will be ruined. That is why a warning message appears when you have entered a quantity to be added to such a location.

Part Traceability

If the part for which stock balance is being changed also has traceability, you can only move the stock balance to a location with the same batch number, otherwise you must create a new location. When creating the new location, the system suggests the same batch number that existed on the location that the stock balance is being moved from, but you can change this if needed.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.