General Information about Physical Inventory List

You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Create tab you can load and print part lists that will work as a basis for physical inventory and the subsequent registration of the inventory result in the Physical Inventory procedure or the Physical Inventory List Reporting procedure. The list contains a column where you can manually enter the inventoried quantity for each part. The lists can be classified and selected by a number of different alternatives and you can thereby shape the range of parts that is to be inventoried. You can see samples of these lists under printout samples.

You can also use continuous inventory in MONITOR. Then you should use the Continuous Physical Inventory - List procedure instead.

Inventory Status for Parts during Physical Inventory

One problem with performing physical inventory is keeping track of all transactions that take place while the physical inventory is being performed. This problem is managed in this procedure by giving parts that are to be inventoried an "inventory status". This is done under the Update status heading in the Create tab. After that, you load the list using Display List, then you can save and print the list.

If you select the Under inventory status, the system will not save any current balance for the selected parts. If anyone during the inventory time attempts to final report, arrival or delivery report any part that is included in this list, a warning message will appear stating that that part is under inventory. Furthermore, the inventory column will be red in the reporting window. That means that no change in the balance shall be made for that part!

In this case you cannot change the balance from the time when the physical inventory was performed until the registration of the inventory result has been made.

If you select the status Under inventory with saved balance instead, the current balance is saved in the system for all affected parts when the list is saved. If any final reporting, arrival or delivery reporting is then made for a part that is included in this list, no warning will appear. The inventory column will then be yellow in the reporting window. That means that balance changes can be made for that part. During the latter registration of inventory results, the stock balance is automatically adjusted for the transactions that have taken place between the physical inventory and the registration of the inventory result.

In this case no balance change can be made from the time the inventory list is saved and printed until the physical inventory has been performed. To avoid this you can perform the inventory for example during a weekend when the production might not be running.

The part’s inventory status will be reset during the registration in any of the two above mentioned inventory procedures, or by selecting the Reset status option here and loading the list again using Display List and saving it.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

You can update the physical inventory status for the selected parts. No other update options exist.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

No charts or graphs can be displayed in this procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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