General Information about Refill Pick Location
Why Use This Procedure?
This procedure is only used if pick locations are used in the system. This is determined with the system setting Use pick locations under Location in the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure.
In this procedure you register orders that refills are requested in a pick location for a part, and you also report here when a refill has been made. The refill is made from the part’s other locations which are used as buffer locations. You can have several active orders for the same part in the procedure and you can also have several pick locations for work centers.
If there is no activity in the window, a timer help0161.gif will count down from 59 to 0 seconds and then it will update the data in the window from the database, after which the timer again will start its countdown from 59 seconds. Thus, the update of the data in the window takes place once every minute. However, as soon as for example the cursor is moved around in the window the timer will start again from 59 seconds.
Window Functions
Select Display List in order to manually update the data in the window.
Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.