Nonconformity Type
Here you select which type of nonconformity that you want to register. Depending on which nonconformity type you select, different fields for registering the nonconformity will appear, and different activities and costs will be default. If you use the PopUp feature or the F4 key, you can search by nonconformity type. There are four nonconformity types:
- Customer nonconformity - such as claims or complaints from customers on sold products.
- Supplier nonconformity - such as claims or rejects returned to the supplier on purchased goods or subcontracting parts.
- Internal nonconformity - such as internal rejects or rework on operations, which do not affect a customer or supplier.
- Preventive action – such as actions taken to prevent future nonconformities. These may apply when reviewing the cost of poor quality for several claims, and the conclusion is to create a preventive action to avoid future claims. It may also apply to environmental improvement (betterment) measures, rationalizations that must be monitored etc.
Change Nonconformity Type
It is possible to change nonconformity type on an already registered nonconformity. Under File in the Window menu you will find the alternative Change nonconformity type when the nonconformity is loaded to the registration window. A warning appears if the nonconformity status is 2 or higher. When changing nonconformity type, you can determine if you want to replace the existing information with the information on the new nonconformity type registered in the Register Basic Data procedure. The following applies when changing nonconformity type:
Yes, Completely
- The nonconformity's activities will be deleted. New activities will then be added according to the basic data of the new nonconformity type.
- The nonconformity's costs will be deleted. New costs will then be added according to the basic data of the new nonconformity type.
- The nonconformity's responsible person will be deleted. A new responsible person will then be added according to the basic data of the new nonconformity type.
- The nonconformity's comments will be deleted. New comments will then be added according to the basic data of the new nonconformity type.
Yes, Partially
- The nonconformity's activities with status Not started will be deleted.
- The nonconformity's activities with status Started and Finished will remain.
- New comments will then be added according to the basic data of the new nonconformity type.
- Costs with an entered price will remain.
- Costs without an entered price will be deleted.
- New costs will then be added according to the basic data of the new nonconformity type.
- A new responsible person will be added according to the basic data of the new nonconformity type.
No, Add
- The nonconformity will keep its data.
- Data from the nonconformity type will be added.
- The nonconformity will keep its data and no new information will be added. Please note! The alternative "No" will not include mandatory activities or costs from the new nonconformity type.