Adjustment / Manufacture
This section contains a table where you can charge different costs for adjustment and new manufacturing required for a nonconformity, based on either the operation or manufacturing order number. You can add several rows to this table, once you have made your selection on a row.
In this field in the table, you can enter costs for separately reported operations. For example, you enter the operation for an internal nonconformity when you have to add an adjustment operation to the order, and when the adjustment operation's actual time/hours and material used should be shown as a cost of poor quality. An operation enter here will appear in red italic text in the Order Info. You can search for an operation by entering the manufacturing order number in a dialog box in this field, and then select the operation in the order you chose. Please note! To search by order number, press Enter and F4. The operation's report number will be shown in the table, once you select the operation.
Dialog box in which you highlight and select operations on an order.
Manufacturing Order Number
In this field in the table, you can charge the costs for an entire reported manufacturing order. This is often used for customer nonconformities, where a new manufacturing order is registered, or an adjustment order for returned parts is adjusted. A manufacturing order entered here will appear in red italic text in the Order Window of the Part Info or Order Info features. Another case may be when we adjust or re-manufacture the parts ourselves for supplier nonconformities. If you use the PopUp feature or F4, you can search for the manufacturing order or part number. You can also search for the project name, instead of the part number, using the F3 shortcut key.
Load Costs
This button is used to load the material cost, subcontracting cost and processing costs from reported operations and manufacturing order, and charge the adjustments and manufacturing costs to the nonconformity. First you must select your calculation basis in a separate box, such as SO mark-up and SC mark-ups and cost factor alternatives.
The dialog box where you select the SO and SC mark-ups and cost factor alternatives.
These costs are then transferred to the nonconformity. You must confirm this first. Once it is confirmed, you can see if the costs have been transferred if the grey field to the left of the button says "Transferred". If you cannot transfer costs (if there are no material, processing or subcontracting costs under the Costs tab), a warning message will appear instead of the transfer confirmation box, and the grey field will say "Not transferred" instead.