E-mail Button
Under the E-mail button you can send an e-mail message to the person responsible for the activity.
In the subject of the e-mail message you will find a standard phrase informing you that an activity has been registered for the person responsible as well as the nonconformity number. The message contains the activity text and the planned finish date. The message also contains a hyperlink (in the format url:monitor://<ftg_nr>/<rutin_id>/<post>) to the current procedure in MONITOR and with the right record loaded. Any comment entered for the activity is also shown in the message.
Any documents linked to the activity will be attached as PDF files. To be able to link documents to an activity, you must have installed the supplement Document Viewing.
The message will be sent according to the selection made in the setting E-mail sending method, found under Fax/E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure. The e-mail address to the person Responsible, to which the message is sent by default, must first have been entered in the Users procedure in the Global Settings module. After an e-mail message has been sent, you will see a green check mark to the right of the E-mail button.