General Information about Generate Locations

What Does This Procedure Do?

Under the Generate tab, you create a basic location register in the Stock Location System. In order to do this, you use the basic data from the Register Basic Data procedure. After generating, you can view the locations in a graphic display in order to verify them and make any necessary exceptions on certain locations before you save. For example, there may be a ceiling beam that blocks certain locations, requiring you to make exceptions on these locations.

Please Note! In order to Generate Locations, there must be a certain symmetry in your stockroom or warehouse. There must be exactly the same number of levels in every section (or vice versa: the same number of sections in every level) that you generate locations for.
Please remember that the more asymmetrical your storage room is, the more abstract the graphic presentation will be in the Location List. That list requires a certain symmetry in your stockroom or warehouse.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

Under the Results tab you can double-click on the requested location in order to update or create exceptions for the location.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

You can see a graphic presentation of the locations. By using Page Up and Page Down you can move around in the graphic presentation.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.