General Information about Fixed Asset List
You will find a general description of how to manage lists in MONITOR in the chapter Managing Lists in the System under General in the MONITOR Basics guide.
What Does This Procedure Do?
In this procedure you can print lists containing all fixed asset groups and their fixed assets. These groups and objects are registered in the Register Fixed Asset Groups and Register Fixed Asset procedures.
The lists can be used e.g. when reconciling the fixed assets with the balance sheet or to specify the acquisitions or sold assets during the current year or any optional period.
Linked sub-objects are printed in italics below its main object.
If the sub-object belongs to another fixed asset group than the main object, the sub-object will not be shown in italics and not directly below the main object.
You can select different list types that contain different information. The different list types are described under Printout Samples.
The fixed asset register can be printed for a historical date, e.g. the value of the fixed assets as of six months ago.
Classification/selection can be made by Object, Group, Acquisition date, Sales date, Account, Cost center and Cost unit. Selection can also be made by Work center, Project and Category. In the Depreciation list you also have the option to select depreciation period.
What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?
In the list types Fixed assets and Acquisitions you can change the object name.
In the Acquisitions list it is also possible to update supplier and consecutive number.
In the Settings list type you can update various information.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.