General Information about Management Accounting Reconciliation
This procedure is a part of the Supplement Management Accounting.
What Does This Procedure Do?
In this procedure, you can reconcile the following:
- Clearing account for Arrived, not linked to invoice
- Clearing account for Delivered, not invoiced
- WIP account (Work in progress)
You reconcile the clearing accounts for arrived/delivered goods against the invoice basis lists in the Purchase and Sales modules, respectively. The WIP account is balanced against the WIP List in the Inventory module.
A prerequisite to use this procedure is that the three accounts listed above all have coding against order number activated in the Chart of Accounts procedure. Furthermore, all coding methods that are used on the accounts above (clearing accounts and WIP accounts) should be configured to code against order number. This is configured under the Coding tab in the Update Coding Method procedure.
Regarding the clearing accounts coding will take place against order number both during arrival and delivery reporting and also when an offset coding of the clearing account is made in connection with final coding/invoicing. Regarding the WIP account coding will take place against order number for all transactions which might affect the WIP account, that is, during coding of inventory log, price change log, and calculation differences.
Under the Create tab you can create the reconciliation list and based on the transactions you can see which orders that are "open" in the accounting. This should then correspond with the orders in the Invoice basis procedures in the Purchase, the Invoice Basis in Sales, and also in the WIP List procedure. These lists can then be reconciled against each other to find differences, if any, between the value of the invoice bases and the balance of the clearing account, as well as differences between the WIP value and the WIP account.
Settings for Order Number Entries on the Clearing Accounts
For coding against the order number to take place you need to configure the clearing accounts with "Yes", "Mandatory", or "Locked" in the Order number field in the Chart of accounts procedure.
To achieve that the deliveries are coded against the order number on the clearing account in the Management Accounting, it is also required that settings are made in the Update Coding Method procedure. For the coding methods regarding arrival reporting of purchase orders to stock, the setting Order number must be entered under the Coding tab. The corresponding setting must be made for the coding methods regarding delivery reporting of customer orders from stock.
During invoicing and registration of supplier invoices, an automatic coding against order number is made. No special settings are required except for a correct entry in the chart of accounts.
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.