The Account Tab

Under the Account tab you will find the primary information for each account When opening the procedure the cursor is placed in the Account field. Here you can enter a new account or select an existing account from the Chart of Accounts by using the PopUp feature. If an existing account is selected, all account information is loaded from the Chart of Accounts and shown in the window. For a new account all fields are empty and must be completed by the user.

Information about account class, VAT row and heading number, as well as a foreign name of the account is entered here. Under the same tab, the SRU code is entered and you select whether or not cost center, cost unit or project shall be registered for a certain account. If you want to register quantity or use an account specification, you make these selections here. You can also block an account, and determine if an account should have debit or credit as account type when coding. Comments to the account can also be entered.

At the very bottom of the tab you can see who created the account and who modified it last.

To get automatic entries in the fixed assets and accrual accounting registers from the Register Supplier Invoice procedure, you can select checkboxes for this account type.

To copy an available account, the function Save as... can be used under the File menu.

Under this tab the following fields are available to create an account:



Account Class

Heading Number

Heading Business Intelligence


Account Type

Account Type





Fixed Asset Account

Default Offset Account

Accrual Account

SRU Code

Standard account (Norway)

The Standard Account button

The Product Group Account button


Cost Center

Cost Unit


Order Number

The Translation Button

The Comment Button

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