

Here you select for which log type the coding method is used.

Part Type

Here you select the part type to which the coding method applies. The following part types/combinations are available:

These part types only exist in the management accounting in order to determined parts that are included in a service in a separate flow.


Here you select which sign to use, plus (+) or minus (-). The plus sign is used when referring to positive records in the selected log type, for example addition to stock in the inventory log.

A negative record in the selected log can be registered with a separate coding method. In order to avoid this you can activate the setting Reverse coding for sign change. Then you only need to register one (1) coding method for the transaction, regardless of them being positive or negative. The system then automatically reverses the coding depending on the sign in the log.

Allow Duplicates

Configure this setting if you want to allow duplicates. This means that the same transaction in a log can be coded using several coding methods. This can be useful when, for example, purchase order arrivals shall generate the addition to stock to standard price via one coding method, and SO mark-up via another coding method.


Configure this setting if the coding method should be inactive. During posterior coding, the inactive coding methods will not be used.

Code Zero Records

This setting is configured by default. This means that even zero records will be coded. Records with zero (0) amount can for example occur if a part's standard price is set to zero.