
In order to help you to quickly get acquainted with MONITOR and give you a general understanding of the system, there is a guide called MONITOR Basics. The MONITOR Basics guide gives you an outline information of MONITOR and also provides instructions on how to get started and how to use the system. MONITOR Basics also describes the workflow or sequences of many procedures used in MONITOR.

The MONITOR Basics guide also contains a description of the methods and procedures that are the same throughout MONITOR. This makes it easier for the user, as the instructions for those methods and procedures that are similar, no matter where they are executed in MONITOR, are gathered in the same place.

In the MONITOR Basics guide there is also a chapter regarding configuration and maintenance. This is a chapter with technical info intended for the system administrator. Here you find important information about the required configurations for backup copying, performance optimizing measures, procedures for updates and setting up test companies and past historical registers, as well as how to maintain different registers in MONITOR.

There is also a guide called Using MONITOR Procedures that describes different ways of working that are supported by the MONITOR system. For example, using "Traceability" for parts or managing EDI in MONITOR. The idea is to give the user an overall understanding of how a function is used.