Activities in the Status Bar

If the logged-on user is responsible for an activity which is current, then the word Activities will be shown in the status bar. Current activity means an activity whose point for reminder (in advance) or planned finish date has been passed. The digit in parenthesis shows how many activities there are in queue for the user. If there are no activities for the user to report the word Activities will be displayed in grey.

Activities in the Status bar.

By double-clicking on Activities, the notification window opens from where you can link to and report activities for which you are responsible.

By moving the cursor over the status bar, a speech bubble will appear containing a total of the different activity types. The activity types are divided into three groups (same as the three tabs in the reminder window); Activities (activities on customer, quote, customer order, supplier, inquiry, purchase order, part, project and nonconformity), Purchase limits (purchase orders to authorize, purchase orders to print and purchase orders that have been printed), EIM (supplier invoices to authorize and final code) and employee activities.