Updatable Price Alternatives

Standard Price:

The Standard price is the most important price for a part in the system. The standard price describes the value of the product. Standard price is used on several occasions, for example as basis for calculation for purchased material, inventory valuation, contribution margin etc. For purchased parts a standard value + purchasing costs (if any) can be a standard price. For manufactured parts, a pre-calculation is made in the system, which is saved as the standard price. You can only manage one standard price in the system.

This price alternative is entered in the system as STP.

Future Standard Price:

The Future Standard Price is also an important price. It can be used to calculate future prices for an upcoming fiscal year. You can only manage one future standard price in the system.

This price alternative is entered in the system as FSP.

Post-Calculated Mean Price:

The Post-calculated Mean Price is an important price in cases where a manufacturing part mainly consists of stocked parts. The price is updated in the Post-Calculation Selection procedure and it is a mean price based on a number of selected manufacturing orders.

This price alternative is entered in the system as PCMP.

Supplier Price:

The Supplier Price is the current price per supplier for purchased parts. It is entered in the currency used for that supplier. This price is the default price used on orders for that part from the supplier in question.

Supplier prices can be staggered, i.e. you can enter one price for a certain purchase quantity for a part and enter another price for another purchase quantity etc. This can also be called a "price ladder". This option is only available if you have activated the setting Use staggered sales/purchase prices on parts? under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

This price alternative is entered in the system as SP.

Customer Price:

The Customer Price is a price which is unique for each customer, and it can be entered per part. This price will then override all other sales prices, that is, the price lists.

Customer prices can be staggered, i.e. you can enter one price for a certain sales volume (quantity) for a part and enter another price for another sales quantity etc., in other words a "price ladder". This option is only available if you have activated the setting Use staggered sales/purchase prices on parts? under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

This price alternative is entered in the system as CP.

Price List:

The price list is used mainly for sales prices, but can also be used for other purposes. The Price List is included as a price alternatives in most cases in the system when there may be occasion to use an optional price.

You can manage an unlimited number of price lists in the system. The price lists that will be applied are created in the Price Lists procedure in the Global Settings module. This procedure displays the created price lists with number, name and currency for each respective list.

A price list is not pre-defined, as opposed to all the other price alternatives. A price list is defined by the user.

Each price list can be staggered, i.e. you can enter one price for a certain sales volume (quantity) for a part and enter another price for another sales quantity etc., in other words a "price ladder". This option is only available if you have activated the setting Use staggered sales/purchase prices on parts? under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

This price alternative is entered in the system with the number it has been assigned, for example 3.

SetUp Price Purchase:

Setup price purchase is used when a supplier has provided a setup price for a purchased part.

This price alternative can be linked to supplier prices and price lists. In connection with order registration you can see the setup price. An order row will be added automatically for the setup price.

To be able to link this price alternative to both supplier prices and price lists you should activate the setting Use setup prices on parts per customer/supplier/price list? in the System tab in the Settings procedure.

This price alternative is entered in the system as SUP.

SetUp Price Sales:

The Setup Price Sales is commonly used when determining the price for manufactured parts, where the sold quantity affects the sales price.

This price alternative can be linked to customer prices and price lists. You can see the setup price in connection with order registration. An order row will be added automatically for the setup price.

To be able to link this price alternative to both customer prices and price lists you should activate the setting Use setup prices on parts per customer/supplier/price list? in the System tab in the Settings procedure.

This price alternative is entered in the system as SUS.

Mean Price

The Mean Price is an alternative average purchase price, which can be calculated in the Calculate Mean Price procedure in the Inventory module. When calculating mean price you can select if you want to base the price on quantity or to use a time limit back in time. You can also calculate a weighted mean price (taking the purchased quantity into consideration).

This price alternative is entered in the system as MP.

Two of the price alternatives, Standard Price and Future Standard Price, must be registered in the system in order to create calculations, estimates etc. The other price alternatives are intended to assist when registering orders and other similar tasks.