Under File in the Window menu you can for example find functions for changing company, changing accounting year, saving and printing. There are two versions of the File menu, one for the empty Program window and one version when you have one or more procedure windows open.
The File menu when no procedure windows are open.
File | Change company... here you change the company database to work in, this applies if you have several companies/historical registers configured. You can at any time change company. This is also where you go when you want to logon as another user. You can also configure that a certain company should be opened by default when you start MONITOR.
File | Change accounting year... this is where you change your accounting year/accounting environment. (This applies if the MONITOR Accounting module is used.) The corresponding function is then also available at the bottom of the window in the status bar. Double-click in the field that displays accounting year to open a window where you can change the accounting year. You can save 10 years in the accounting.
Field with accounting year on the status bar.
File | Change warehouse... here you can change which warehouse to work in. This is only available if the supplement Warehouse Management is installed.
When you have a window open, the File menu contains functions relevant to the active window or procedure. The functions available on the menu can vary, depending on the active procedure.
File menu with a list procedure open.
File | Close will close the active window. If you have made any changes in the window since it was opened, you will first be asked whether or not you want to save your changes.
File | Save will save the information entered in the window. This option will appear in procedures where you can update information.
File | Save as… is available where you can create a new record by copying information from an existing record. This applies in the procedures Update Parts, Preparation, Update Customer, Update Supplier and Register Nonconformity. Also see Copying Records under MONITOR General Information.
File | Display List will load lists based on the Search Form/Create tab. This option appears in procedures where lists are printed.
File | Preview will preview the document before printout. This option appears in procedures where forms are printed.
File | Print... will open the Print Manager, allowing you to select printer driver before printing.
File | Export... will export a list to a predefined format for further processing. Also see List Export under MONITOR General Information.
File | Refresh data will reload data from the database to a list. This is available in procedures containing lists.
File | Purge list will empty the data in the lists and return to the Search Form/Create tab. This is available in procedures containing lists.
File | Exit will close MONITOR. All open windows will first be closed. In the windows where you have unsaved data you will get a question about saving.
In the lower section of the menu, the ten latest procedures you have accessed are displayed.