Property Management

In MONITOR there is a Property Management which is general for all procedure windows and it allows an administrator to make certain changes regarding behavior and layout. These modifications can then be saved as property profiles for different users/groups.

The Property management... is available under the Settings heading in the Window menu, when a procedure window (of the registration/update type) is open and if you have administrative rights.

With this property management you can in four steps choose to create new property profiles linked to the current procedure window. If one or more property profiles already exist for the procedure in question you can also choose to load these and modify them.

In order for the property management to function it is required that the setting Activate own defaults / field properties under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

In MONITOR there is also list properties, which should not be confused with the property management. The list property function is managed from the Display List tab and under the Edit alternative in the Window menu in all such procedures. Read more about this under Property Profiles in Lists in the MONITOR General Information chapter.

Read more about Property Management:

ClosedWhat Properties Exist?

The properties you can enter for objects in the procedure window with the advanced property management are (depending on type of object):

* The property "Default value" can today only be used in the three procedures Update Supplier, Update Customer, and Update Part.

ClosedObjects for Which You Can Enter Properties

You can enter properties for the following objects in a procedure window:

Since you can change certain headings in the procedure windows, it is possible for you to translate parts of a procedure window to another language. However, this function is not designed for the purpose of total translation of MONITOR, but it does allow you to create profiles for certain users or groups which contains changed or translated objects.

ClosedObjects for Which You Cannot Enter Text as Property

Below you will find certain procedure window objects that it is not possible to enter texts for as a property:

Generally, it is more difficult to change texts for objects in procedure windows in the Workshop Info module due to the fact that a lot of the information used there is loaded from the Recording Terminal. A text row that is loaded from another part of the system, as e.g. certain fields in the recording terminal window, cannot be renamed. This is because they are not headings or ordinary text, but information loaded from the database.

To Create a Property Profile

To Change or Delete a Property Profile

ClosedAdvanced Properties in Fields

There is also an "advanced properties" function in fields which can be applied by configuring MONITOR in "debug mode". In this mode you can configure a number of properties for a field and also move around fields on the x-axis and y-axis in a window or a tab. These properties are then saved by using the above mentioned property profiles.

To use the advanced properties in fields, please contact an instructor/consultant at Monitor ERP System AB for instructions.