Here you can make the following personal settings:
The Miscellaneous tab.
- Remember window size - the program will remember the window size that you have selected for the respective window and company in MONITOR.
- Remember window position - the program will remember the position of the window that you have selected for the respective window and company in MONITOR.
- Open selection window when copying - determines if the selection window should be displayed when copying a record selection using Copy to selection via the right mouse button in a list.
- Info procedures follow the active record - the Part/Customer/Customer Order/Supplier/Manufacturing Order Info procedures can follow the active record automatically. The info procedures are automatically updated so that they always will display the active part/customer/customer order/supplier/manufacturing order. If you change record in another procedure, the Info procedure will also change to that record.
- Use larger font on forms - when activating this setting the font size will be changed from Tahoma 8 to Tahoma 9 everywhere in MONITOR this font is used*.
- Show a control question before MONITOR is closed - here you can select whether or not to display a control question before MONITOR is closed. This is used to provide the user from closing the entire MONITOR program with the red X at the top right corner, when the user's intention instead was to close a procedure.
- Use Find-as-you-Type (FayT) - here you can select whether or not to use Find-as-you-Type as a complement to the regular PopUp feature in different registers. The Find-as-you-Type function is activated by default.
- Always copy "From" to "To" in Search Forms - if you activate this setting, the data you enter or select in a field in the From column will always be copied to the To field in Search Forms. This will take place when you move the cursor using Tab or Enter, even if the To column already has a value. The setting is activated by default.
- Also activate reminder in Outlook for activities with "Create records in Outlook calendar" - by using this setting you can choose to also insert a reminder (in Outlook) in calendar entries for activities where the setting Create records in Outlook calendar is activated. This setting is unchecked by default.
- Automatic log record when activity is finished - when this setting is activated, a log record will be created automatically in the Activities/contacts log field when an activity is set as finished. The setting is activated by default.
- Use web help - here you can select if you want to use the web based help function in MONITOR. The web help is shown in your standard web browser and it has a better user interface than the local help function. To access the web help it is required that your computer has access to the Internet. If it does not have Internet access the local help function will be used instead. The setting is activated by default.
- Backg. image - here you can select your background image in MONITOR. There are seven available background images to choose from, plus the alternative "No background image". In the latter case you will see a medium grey background color which matches the other colors in MONITOR. By using different background images in each company (if you have more than one) you can easily see in which company database you are working at the moment. It is especially useful if you have several companies open at the same time in separate windows. In MONITOR Basic the only available options are to not use a background image or to use the MONITOR Basic's background image.
* The setting Use larger font on forms does not work when using the Chinese (ZH) language or if you have activated the setting called Improved viewing of Asian languages under Language management under the System tab in the Settings procedure.