Agent Results
The message methods e-mail and network message are the normal ways of the agent function to notify you of the results. But in the MONITOR Agent yet another method is included which is called Agent Result. You can choose this method for both AutoRuns and Monitoring Tasks.
Messages from the automatic run can contain the list that was the result of a run. The list can be saved in the Display List or the Preview mode. Yet another alternative is to only save the result with information about the number of records.
Messages from the Monitoring Tasks are displayed with the message text that was entered for the task.
When a new message has been sent to the result database, a notification is sent to the user/recipient who is named on the status bar in MONITOR.
Notification on the status bar in MONITOR.
By double-clicking on the letter icon in the status bar, the Agent Results window will open. A red exclamation mark in the icon means that there are unread messages. If there is no icon in the status bar, then there are no messages at all for the user.