AutoRun Settings

In the AutoRun Settings window, in the title bar, you will see to which sequence the run belongs and the priority of the run. At the bottom of this window you will see who created the sequence. The window layout depends on what the procedure shall perform. In the Do what? field you can select if the result shall be presented or notified to someone. If so, a field opens in which you can enter a recipient.


Here you enter a description text for the run.


Here you select From user and then you can select Default values, Filter, Properties, Sorting, and Chart, if such have been saved for the user in the current procedure in the run. Here you can for example select a saved Search Form. The selectable alternatives are all saved Search Forms for the selected user in the From user field.

If there are no default values, filters, properties, sorting, or charts saved, the respective field will remain inactive.


If you have installed the supplement Warehouse Management, it is possible to select a specific warehouse or <All> warehouses.

Different Selections

Here you can make different selections depending on the procedure for which you want to create an automatic run. The following choices are available for all alternatives: No, Yes and Inverted. Read more about the List Selections in the MONITOR General Information chapter in the MONITOR Basics.

Do What?

Here you select the type of result the run is to create and how this result should be handled. When you add a procedure to a sequence it is inactive by default and no result is created. The different selections that can be made are pretty much the same as the function of the procedure when it is run manually.

The different selections that can be entered for a run are:

If the handling of the result selected in the Do what? field involves sending of e-mail, it is possible to register a general address of sender using the setting E-mail address for sender during AutoRuns, under Fax / E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure. If a general address of sender should not be used, then the user selected in the From user field above must have an e-mail address registered in the Users procedure. For the user called MONAGENT you enter an e-mail address in the User List procedure (can only be entered by ADMIN or a corresponding administrator equivalent user).

Report Number

If you want to run the Report Generator in the Accounting via the AutoRuns, a report number field appears. This is where you select a report for the AutoRuns.

Report number, part of the AutoRun Settings window.

Variables in File Names

In the table below you will find a list of variables that can be used in file names during export.

Variable Explanation Example
%y Year (two digits) 15
%Y Year (four digits) 2015
%m Month 04
%W, %w Week number (start Mon.) 14
%U Week number (start Sun.) 15
%a Week day name (abbreviated) Fri. *
%A Week day name Friday *
%b Month name (abbreviated) Apr. *
%B Month name April *
%j Day number 093
%d Day of the month 03
%x Current date 2015-04-03 *
%X Current time 17:09:04 *
%c Current date and time 2015-04-03 17:09:04 *
%H, %h Hour (24h) 17
%I Hour ((12h) 05
%p AM or PM PM
%M, %i Minute 09
%S, %s Second 03
%Z Time zone CET
%% Percentage sign %
{local}, {client-path} Path to the local Monwin folder C:\Monwin
{server_path} Path to the Monwin folder on the server \\Server1\Monwin
{company_number}, {ftgnr} The company's database number 001

* Obs! The date and spelling will be set according to the date and language setting in Windows. Colon (:) when telling time will be replaced with underline (_) in file names. If the date format in Windows contains a slash (/), no file will be created during export!

In addition to the variables mentioned above you can also use the following environment variables in Windows as variables in file name during export. You will find a description of the environment variables in documentation from Microsoft.

























pialist_%x will be given the file name pialist_2015-04-03 if the run is performed that day.

Please Note! It is important that the variables are entered correctly and also that the result only contains characters valid in file names - otherwise program run errors can occur! You cannot use spaces in a variable; you should e.g. enter %d and not % d.