Electronic Invoice Management
In this section you find settings regarding the MONITOR Electronic Invoice Management (EIM) which is a supplement.
Automatic Connection in Register Supplier Invoice
By activating this setting the system will automatically connect against the EIM database in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. If an invoice that has not been scanned should be loaded and changed then you have to deselect this setting temporarily.
It may be useful to deactivate this setting during the start-up period of MONITOR EIM, because during that time you usually work with invoices that both exist and do not exist in MONITOR EIM. When this setting is deactivated, you can connect against the EIM database by using the EIM button.
Path to Inbasket (Default)
Here you enter the file path to the folder where files are created in connection with scanning of invoices via the Scan Supplier Invoice procedure. The file path should end with "\".
Path to Inbasket (Alternative)
Here you enter an alternative file path to the folder where files are saved in connection with the scanning of invoices. For example a path to the folder where delivery notes or other types of documents that are not invoices end up.
Path to Inbasket (Alternative)
See information above.
Include Consecutive Number in the Printout
When a scanned and registered invoice is printed on paper, it is possible for you to get a mark on the printout with the consecutive number that the invoice has in the system.
File prefix when scanning invoices
Here you enter the prefix that the scanned documents (files) should have. For example if the scanned document is named MK10014.tif, then "MK" is the actual prefix.
Import Supplier Invoices to EIM
This setting belongs to the Import Supplier Invoices procedure used in combination with EIM. The import procedure is a supplement to MONITOR. If you configure this setting, a supplier invoice will be created as a PDF file from the e-mail message imported to the procedure. The PDF file will automatically be added to the Register Supplier Invoice procedure and can be previewed in the same way as supplier invoices scanned via EIM.
Path to Finvoice PDF images
(Only applies to Finland and those who use Finvoice Import Supplier Invoices) When importing Finvoice supplier invoices to EIM you can include the original PDF. In order for this to be possible, the PDF file must be saved in the directory selected in this setting. If there is no PDF file in that directory, the system will create an EIM image.
Allow Linking of Own Purchase Orders in Register Supplier Invoice?
When this setting is activated, the user is allowed to link his/her own purchase orders in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. This setting is selected by default.
Primarily match against VAT number when importing supplier invoices
Determines if VAT number shall be used to match against when importing supplier invoices.