Fictitious Parts
In this section, you will find a setting that apply to fictitious parts.
Set price on fictitious parts in customer / purchase orders?
Here you can select whether an F-part (Fictitious) should be row type 1 with price or row type 4 as an additional text on customer and purchase order rows.
If the setting is checked (default) a fictitious main part will be seen as row type 1 with price on order rows. Incorporated parts will then get row type 6 and zero in price on the order rows. If the incorporated parts have linked text rows, these rows will then get row type 16.
If the setting is not activated then a fictitious main part will get row type 4 as additional text and zero as price on order rows. Incorporated parts will then instead get row type 1 with price on the order rows. If the incorporated parts have linked text rows, these rows will then get row type 4 as usual.