Priority Planning
In this section, you will find settings that apply to priority planning.
Expected delay in days that will bold font "Finish" column
This value determines the indexing in the Finish column in the Priority Planning procedure. The Finish column shows the date in bold font style if an operation is or will be delayed by the number of days that are entered here. The information that says that an operation will be delayed is the date in the New finish column, which indicates the "real" finish date according to the priority plan.
Show status 1 orders during Priority Planning?
This setting determines which of the two filter buttons, Status 1 and Status 2, that will be the default selection when the Priority Planning procedure is started.
Show status 1 orders during Start Work?
This setting has the equivalent function as the one for Priority Planning. Check this box in order to show the operations that have parts with Status 1 - registered in the procedure to start work in the Recording Terminal.
Also show partial reported ops. when filtering by operations Ready to run
By activating this setting you can choose that the filter Only ops. ready to run in the Priority Planning and Recording Terminal procedures shall include operations where the previous operation is partially reported. This setting also determines which operations that shall be shown when the Mark operations ready to run has been checked in the Orders / Work Center procedure.