
In this section, you will find other general settings that apply to the Global Settings module.

Use start page

With this setting you can decide whether or not the Start Page should be used. The Start Page is displayed in the program window when MONITOR is started and also when all procedure windows are minimized. The Start Page can contain different types of information loaded from the system, such as sales statistics, key figures and ratios etc. and also information from the Internet. The information can be displayed in the form of charts, gauges and lists.

In the Configuration Start Page procedure you can create different start page configurations and tie these to different users or groups.

Use start page in Recording Terminal

With this setting you can decide whether or not the Start Page should be used in the Recording Terminal. The Start Page can contain different types of information loaded from the system, such as sales statistics, key figures and ratios etc. and also information from the Internet. The information can be displayed in the form of charts, gauges and lists. The Start Page will then replace the general message in the Recording Terminal.

In the Configuration Start Page procedure you can create different start page configurations and tie these to different users or groups.

Time interval for background calculation of start page

Using this setting you can determine how often the calculations on the start page should be performed.

You can select among the following time intervals:

Use alias when exporting to BI

If this setting is activated it is possible to modify the record's alias in a separate field. This applies to customers, suppliers, parts, product groups, and part codes. This alias is used during data mining from records in the database in MONITOR to the database in MONITOR Business Intelligence (BI). The default value of alias is the same as the record's code/number, but this can be changed to another value.

One of the purposes with alias is to be able to determine for which of these records that data should be extracted to the Business Intelligence (BI). If the alias field is deleted for a record, then no data will be extracted from this record to the database in the BI.

Another purpose of the management of alias is so that you can aggregate data. If the same alias is used on several records of the same type (for example customers), then data from these records will be merged to a joint record in the Business Intelligence. The name of the record in the Business Intelligence will then be loaded from the record that ends up last in the ascending alphabetical order. That is, if there are two customer names A and B, they will be displayed as customer B in the Business Intelligence. This can be used in cases where it is the same physical record that has different code/number in two or more companies in MONITOR. Alias can also be used for this purpose when only one company is used in MONITOR.

Alias can also be used in the opposite way - to split records in companies in MONITOR to be shown as different records in the Business Intelligence.

Read more about scheduling for data mining in MONITOR Business Intelligence and about modifying alias on affected records in MONITOR.

Edit hyperlinked documents in associated program

If you activate this setting and a user clicks a hyperlink, a hyperlinked* document will be opened in its associated program where the document is stored physically.

If you do not activate the setting (default) and a user clicks a hyperlink, a read-only copy of a hyperlinked document will be created in the user's temporary directory and it will be opened in its associated program.

* A hyperlinked document is a document that you can hyperlink by using the drag and drop function in the text editor under Logging of activities/contacts under the Activities, CRM and SRM tabs for different records.

User/group with complete user rights in Activity Reporting - General/Activity Summary

Here you can give a user or a group of users the permission to report activities for other users in the Activity Reporting - General procedure. You can also give a user or a group of users the permission to change the responsible person in the Activity Summary procedure. This can be useful for example if there is one person who administrates, collects and enters time reports afterwards for different employees. It can be useful to change the responsible person in the Activity Summary procedure if, for example, an employee no longer works for you and her/his activities must be performed by another employee. Please note that this setting does not apply to project activities.