This is where you configure header and footer settings. The available settings are:
Print Order Text
Here you select if and how you want to print the order text.
- None
- Only text - If you check this setting, then the additional text for orders will be printed at the bottom left portion of the header. A maximum of 12 rows with additional text can be displayed.
- Only external documents
- Both text and external documents
Print Part Text
Here you select if and how you want to print the part text.
- None
- Only text - If you check this setting, the manufacturing comment from the Preparation or the Manufacturing tab in the Update Part - Inventory, will be printed as part text below the order text in the order header (see the setting above).
- Only external documents
- Both text and external documents
If you activate the setting Manufacturing comment on the part as order text?, under Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, and the setting above Print part text, the manufacturing comment will be shown both as order text and part text.
Print Revision
Here you select if and how you want to print the revision.
- None
- Only revision
- Only external documents
- Both revision and documents
If you select one of the alternatives "Only revision" or "Both revision and documents", we recommend that you also activate the settings Include part status in new M-orders and Show revision comment on M-order when the part status is 5 under Part status under the System tab in the Settings procedure.
Print Additional Name
If you check this setting, any additional name that has been entered for this part will be printed in the left portion of the header, on the same row as the drawing number.
Print Customer's Part Number
If you check this setting, the customers part number for the main or principal part will be displayed on the order document, when you select a customer code for a manufacturing order. This has its very own field, which is located under the part number field.
Print Alternate Preparation Code
If you check this setting, the alternate preparation code will be displayed on the document.
Print Drawing Number
If you check this setting, the drawing number that is linked to the part will be displayed in the top right corner of the header, on a row below the part info row.
Print Footer
If you check this setting, the document footer will be printed.