Manufacturing Order Document Layout

All manufacturing order documents that are created here are designed according to a specific form layout. This template has been divided into four sections (see image). The top part is the form header (Header). Under the header there is a part for operation rows (Operation). Under that, there is a space for material rows (Material), and at the very bottom there is a part for the footer (Footer). The height of the Operation and Material portions is dynamic, and uses as much space as is needed by the number of operation and material rows that are used.


Layout of the form template.


The form header will always show the name of the document type as a heading (such as Work card), as well as the company name. The row beneath the header is used for order information, such as Order number, Start period, Finish period, Project and Customer information. This row also contains page numbering. The following row is used for part information, such as Part number, Name, Type, Quantity, Start period and Finish period. The next row contains the Revision information and Drawing number for the manufactured part in the order.

In the header, below these rows you can print an Additional name for the part as an additional text to the order. Certain parts of the information that will be displayed in the header are configured by specific settings.

The Operation Section

The Operation part of the form is completely governed by settings, and displays operations for a part. The alternatives for viewing operations here are No operations; Current operations; Current operations including next operation or All operations. The Operation portion consists of column headings and operation rows containing information for each respective operation. Each operation can contain up to three rows.

The information shown on the first row is: Operation number, Work center, Operation description, Setup time, Unit time, Total time, Report number; as well as 3 optional extra headings that can be used as columns for personal notes.

The information shown on the 2nd row contains any necessary instructions for operation rows that have been entered in the Preparation.

The information shown on the 3rd row is the Start and Finish period, Operation quantity and Bar code. An asterisk (*) is shown on the row if the quantity has been reported.

The Operation quantity is printed if the planned quantity for the operation differs from the planned quantity on the last operation, or if a setup quantity for the operation has been configured in the Preparation. (The setup quantity only applies when you want to handle overflow per operation, which is a system setting.)

One of the following settings Print start period and/or Print finish or Bar code must be checked in order to be able to print Operation quantity and asterisk (*) for those reported, on the third row.

The Material Section

The Material portion of the form is completely governed by settings, and displays the material used for a manufactured part. The alternatives for viewing material here are No materials; For current operation or All material. The Material portion consists of column headings and material rows containing information for each respective material. Each material can contain up to three rows.

The information printed on the first row is Part number, Name, Type, For operation, Period, Location, Quantity and Total. A column called Dispensed/Signature is always printed to the far right of the form. This area is used to sign for material rows during material withdrawals.

The information shown on the 2nd row is the Position from the BOM list during Preparation. Revision for the material, as well as Report number.

Please note! In order to display the Position, you must configure the global setting called Use positions in BOM lists?. In order to display the Material Revision, you must check the setting Print Report Number (in the Material portion of this procedure).

The information shown on the 3rd row contains Instructions that have been entered for the material in the BOM list during Preparation.


The footer always displays information about Part number for the main part, the Name of the main part, the Printout date and hour, as well as the user that printed out the manufacturing order document. If the part is included in another part, it will also be printed out: i.e. which part this part will be "used for" with the corresponding part number, operation and work center.

For further samples of what different manufacturing order documents may look like, please see Printout Samples.