General Information about Terms and Conditions
Which Tables - and Why?
Terms and Conditions is a procedure in which you create some basic tables. First you enter a language code in the heading row, and then you create basic tables in order to easily use standard texts during order, invoice and quote registration. The window consists of tabs with a table for each tab. You can create the following tables in this procedure:
- Terms of Payment
- Delivery Methods
- Terms of Delivery
- Validity Periods
- Packaging Terms
- Delivery Times
- Response Times
The system comes with a number of default pre-determined texts in each table. These default units can be deleted or used, as needed. Enter the different texts that you think will be useful. The texts that you enter here will be linked to customers and suppliers. During order or quote registration, these texts will be pre-selected by default from each respective customer or supplier. If you want to use a temporary text, you can enter this on the order without having to register it as a standard text in the tables in this procedure.
Using External Languages
Since an order document (such as an order confirmation, invoice etc.) can also be written in another language, you should translate the texts that have been entered in this procedure to all the languages that you use in the system. Languages are registered in the Languages procedure. The principle for applying external languages in this procedure is that you must first create the table in the original language (for example, in Swedish – S), and then translate it into other languages. If you have selected an external language, the window will have two portions. The table for the original language will then appear to the right. When the window for external languages is open, you cannot delete or insert rows. The language used as your original language is configured in the Company Info procedure.
Adding and Deleting
You cannot insert a text in the middle of a table, only at the end. If a text is deleted, you cannot re-use that same location in the table. The program does not check whether a text is linked to a customer or not when you delete a text. The principle is therefore to prepare the tables before you start registering customers and so on in the system, and then you can make any changes (insert/delete) as needed.
Window Functions
Use Delete to delete a row in a table. A control question will appear, and if you choose OK, your changes will be updated directly to the database. Read more under the heading Adding and Deleting above.
Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.