File Name
Under the heading File name, you should enter the file path and file name of the disk where the import/export message file should be saved. Here you can also browse to find the right file path and file name on your disk. When using the link method called File browser, this field is inactive.
The file name cannot be separated with a space. It is possible to use an asterisk (*) in the file name. The asterisk (*) is replaced by a consecutive number during export. When an asterisk has been entered in the file name a field will open to the right of the file name field where you can enter a consecutive number. It is also possible to enter an asterisk in filenames during import, but then it is not possible to edit the consecutive number. It is also possible to use more advanced variables in file names, which are useful during export. Read more about that below.
Example of Import
If you use *, all subsequent characters will be allowed in the file name in EDI Links. For example the "order1*.txt" will accept order111.txt and order112.txt but not order 212.txt.
Example of Export
If you use *, all subsequent characters will be replaced by a consecutive number that will be shown after the file name in EDI Links. For example, "order1*.txt" will become order111.txt.
In the table below you will find a list of variables that can be used in file names during export.
Variable | Explanation | Example |
%y | Year (two digits) | 15 |
%Y | Year (four digits) | 2015 |
%m | Month | 04 |
%W, %w | Week number (start Mon.) | 14 |
%U | Week number (start Sun.) | 15 |
%a | Week day name (abbreviated) | Fri. * |
%A | Week day name | Friday * |
%b | Month name (abbreviated) | Apr. * |
%B | Month name | April * |
%j | Day number | 093 |
%d | Day of the month | 03 |
%x | Current date | 2015-04-03 * |
%X | Current time | 17:09:04 * |
%c | Current date and time | 2015-04-03 17:09:04 * |
%H, %h | Hour (24h) | 17 |
%I | Hour ((12h) | 05 |
%p | AM or PM | PM |
%M, %i | Minute | 09 |
%S, %s | Second | 03 |
%Z | Time zone | CET |
%% | Percentage sign | % |
{local}, {client-path} | Path to the local Monwin folder | C:\Monwin |
{server_path} | Path to the Monwin folder on the server | \\Server1\Monwin |
{company_number}, {ftgnr} | The company's database number | 001 |
* Obs! The date and spelling will be set according to the date and language setting in Windows. Colon (:) when telling time will be replaced with underline (_) in file names. If the date format in Windows contains a slash (/), no file will be created during export!
In addition to the variables mentioned above you can also use the following environment variables in Windows as variables in file name during export. You will find a description of the environment variables in documentation from Microsoft.
Please Note! It is important that the variables are entered correctly and also that the result only contains characters valid in file names - otherwise program run errors can occur! You cannot use spaces in a variable; you should e.g. enter %d and not % d. The variables for date that can be used are all according to "strftime". For more information please go to