General Information about Create Chart of Accounts
What Does This Procedure Do?
In the Create Chart of Accounts procedure, you enter which chart of accounts type that will be used in the system. This procedure is mainly used when you install a new company into MONITOR.
The procedure consists of two different tabs. The first tab New Chart of Accounts is mainly used during the first system startup, when you select the type of Chart of Accounts that will be used in the system. The second tab Import Chart of Accounts is used to import a chart of accounts or related items from another company.
When the Chart of Accounts type has been selected and saved, it will automatically be registered as the selected chart of account for the company in the MONITOR system. You can modify your company's Chart of Accounts in due course by using the Chart of Accounts or Print Chart of Accounts procedures in the Accounting module. The existing chart of accounts will be overwritten when you select a new chart of accounts type in the procedure.
A number of charts of accounts to select from is delivered with the MONITOR system. The chart of accounts that are including at delivery are listed in the section Chart of Accounts type.
Before the selected Chart of Accounts type is saved in the New Chart of Accounts tab, you can choose if the accounting for cost center, cost unit, project, quantity, account specification and budget by default should be managed in the chart of accounts' class 3-8. You can also enter an account for this year's result.
Under the second tab, Import Chart of Accounts, you have the opportunity to import chart of accounts, cost centers, cost units, and/or SRU codes from another company or from another accounting year.
Window Functions
Use Save to save your changes in the window. The selected Chart of Accounts will then automatically be copied into the system.
Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.
Please note! The existing Chart of Accounts will be overwritten when you create a new one.