General Information about Voucher Number Series

What Does This Procedure Do?

The Voucher Number Series window is used to register voucher number series for your accounting. You can register up to 99 different number series. The voucher number series must be determined and registered before you can start registering vouchers in the system.

By creating different voucher number series, you can record and file certain type of accounting vouchers separate from other vouchers and supporting documents. The number series are then created for accounting, in order to record items such as customer invoices, supplier invoices, payments etc.

In this procedure, you only register the number series that are not a part of the number series that are used during integration from sub-systems, i.e. the current accounting, periodic statements etc.

If you are using integration from other sub-systems in MONITOR, you must reserve a number series for each type of ledger you use. These sub-systems include ledgers for customer invoices, incoming payments, supplier invoices, outgoing payments as well as the preliminary coded supplier invoices. The voucher number series used in the different integrated ledgers are not configured in this procedure. Those number series are defined in the Number Series procedure under General in the Global Settings module. Once the abovementioned number series have been defined, you can see them in this procedure.

Window Functions

Use the Delete button to delete a voucher number series. You can only delete if no vouchers have been registered in the voucher number series you wish to delete.

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.