
Under the heading Purging Procedures in the Global Settings module, you will find all the procedures that are used for register maintenance and for configuring historical registers and test companies.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Purging Procedures menu in the Global Settings module of a complete MONITOR system.

Historical Registers

Here you can initiate new historical databases and test companies, create tables and transfer basic data to them. Basic data consists of static records such as parts, customers and suppliers. This data is not transferred using Purging Procedures.

Purging Procedures

Among other things, you can use this procedure to purge (clean and delete) all the logs and ledgers used in different registers, and also transfer data such as orders and invoices to a historical database.

Purge Edit Lock-up

Here you can delete existing lock-ups for different records or entries that may have been created if they were not closed in a proper way. For example, if MONITOR was shut down in an improper way by a user who still had some entry windows open, then "edit lock-ups" are created for that user on the posts or entries that were open during shut-down.

Reprint Ledger

Here you can reprint ledgers that have been printed earlier. You can choose whether you want to print a ledger or a total accounting order (summed up). This procedure includes all kinds of ledgers. You may find this procedure handy if some of your ledger documents have been misplaced. You cannot reprint a previous ledger in the regular printout procedure, since the ledgers are reset after printout.

Reprint Log Ledger

This is a procedure that belongs to the Supplement Management Accounting.

List Deleted Data

Records that are deleted (F6) from different registers in the database can be logged in a separate log. You activate this log in the Log Selection procedure in the Global Settings module. For the records that then have been deleted you can here load a list and print it.