
Here you can enter a new password or change the existing password for a user.

You can enter a maximum of 16 characters in the field. Each entered character is displayed as an asterisk (*). Please note that you do not have to confirm (re-enter) the password. The password field is not case sensitive. If a password has been set for a user, a logon window will always appear when that user logon to MONITOR.

If the user has integrated logon, the password cannot be changed here. In this case the field is inactivated.

A user can also enter a new or change his/her existing password under Settings | Change password... in the Window menu.

Password for ADMIN

If the password has been changed for the ADMIN user, the logon window appears where the user name "ADMIN" and the old password must be entered.

Please note! It is very important that the ADMIN password is not forgotten or somehow lost! If this should happen you must contact the Support department at Monitor ERP System AB!