This is where you select the type that the user should be. The following type alternatives are available:
- Inactive - this type can be selected for a user that should not be able to use MONITOR, for example during a leave of absence. An inactive user does not take up any license in MONITOR.
- Active - this type is used for regular users in MONITOR.
- Administrator equivalent - this type provides the user in question with the equivalent user rights as the user ADMIN, regardless to which group/groups the user belongs.
- Work recording - this type is a limited user type that only includes the following procedures: Order Info, Material Reporting, Print Transport Labels, Part Info, Register Nonconformity, Recording Terminal and Document Viewer*. A special user license is required for only work recording, however, it is cheaper than a regular user license.
- Web TimeCard - this type is a limited user type that can only use the separate web application called MONITOR Web - TimeCard. This user cannot use the MONITOR client. A special user license is required for the MONITOR Web TimeCard which is a supplement to MONITOR.
- Mobile - this type is a limited user type than can only use the application called MONITOR Mobile on a smartphone or a tablet computer. This user cannot use the MONITOR client. A special user license is required for the MONITOR Mobile which is a supplement to MONITOR.
- Recording API - this type is a limited user type that is used to link to Delacroy's machine reporting system called "Balthzar". This user cannot use the MONITOR client. A special user license is required per computer in order to use the link to Balthzar. The link to Delacroy's program Balthzar is a supplement. The user type is only displayed if the license is available in MONITOR.
- PDA - this type is a limited user type that can only use the separate application called MONITOR PDA. This user cannot use the MONITOR client. A special user license is required for the MONITOR PDA which is a supplement to MONITOR. The user type is only displayed if the license is available in MONITOR.
- Machine terminal - this type is a limited user type for Machine Integration. This user cannot use the MONITOR client. A special user license is required per machine for integration with MONITOR. Machine Integration is included in the MONITOR Machine Integration which is a supplement to MONITOR. The user type is only displayed if the license is available in MONITOR.
* Please note that the Document Viewing procedure in available only if you have installed the supplement called Document Viewer.