Component Gallery
The component gallery consists of different components that load and show information from the company database in MONITOR. Furthermore, there is a web component that can display contents from websites and there is also a text component that can be used as a bulletin board. You can configure settings for each component after they have been added under Selected components.
Please remember that there are certain settings that might affect how data is displayed in the components. This is described in red next to each component affected by a setting.
The components that are included in the system are:
- Order-bound work share - this component is of the Gauge type and shows (in percent) the employees' total share of order-bound work in relation to all reported work time (direct, indirect, and not order-bound). The number indicated by the gauge can be verified in the Statistics procedure. You can choose period and it is also possible to select by Employee number and Department.
- Bulletin board - this component is of the Text type and displays a text area. The text that should be showed is entered in the Update Bulletin Board. This is a text editor where you can add both message text and hyperlinks that then will be displayed on the bulletin board.
- Reported time/work center - this component is of the Chart type and shows the reported time per work center/department for a selected period of time. You can for example select period, departments, work centers, planner and chart type.
- Reported quantity/work center - this component is of the Chart type and shows the reported quantity per work center/department for a selected period of time. You can for example select period, departments, work centers, planner, part number, product group, part code and chart type.
- Invoicing log - this component is of the Chart type and displays a diagram of the invoicing log. You can view the invoicing during a certain period and you can select if the previous year's invoicing should be displayed. You can select customer category, make a selection of sellers, part codes and product groups. You can choose part category.
- Invoicing log per customer - this component is of the Chart type and shows the invoiced amount for a selected period of time, classified by customer. You can for example select order date, number of customers, show customer code, chart type.
- Overdue customer invoices - this component is of the List type and shows information about overdue customer invoices. It is possible to include credit and interest invoices and you can also select customer category. You can make a selection of sellers.
The grace period entered in the setting Days of grace between payment reminders affects how data is displayed in this component. - Overdue supplier invoices - this component is of the List type and shows information about overdue supplier invoices. It is possible to include credit invoices and blocked invoices. You can also select a supplier category.
- Invoicing Index - this component is of the Gauge type and shows (in percent) the relation between the invoicing during a period compared with the same period for the previous year. This is based on data in the Invoicing Log. It is possible to exclude the row types 2, 3 and 9. You can select which period to show and also selection of product group code and part code. It is also possible to choose part category and customer category, selection of sellers, customer type, district, and country code. 100% means that the invoicing is the same as previous year.
- Order inflow index - this component is of the Gauge type and shows (in percent) the relation between the order inflow during a period compared with the same period for the previous year. This is based on data in the customer order table. You can select which period to show and also selection of product group code and part code. It is also possible to choose customer category, selection of sellers, customer type, district, and country code. Directly registered invoices can be included in the calculation of this Order inflow index. 100% means that the order inflow is the same as previous year.
- Information about Run Netting - this component is of the List type and shows information about when the Run Netting procedure has been used, how many suggestions there are in total and for a specific user/administrator. The user can work with the suggestions as usual, so the component works as a "preview" of how many there is.
- Lagging purchase orders - this component is of the List type and shows (per supplier) the value of the lagging purchase orders, that is, the purchase orders that should have been arrival reported prior to today. You can select supplier category, product group and our reference.
- Purchase statistics - this component is of the Chart type and shows the purchase statistics over time. You can select to show purchase statistics per day, week or month. You can choose to show the purchase statistics selected by supplier group, supplier category or product group.
- Control of basic data for part - this component is of the List type and shows information about basic data missing for purchased, manufactured and stocked parts and if they have negative stock balance. Basic data can for example be supplier link, purchase price, standard price, lead time, or operation, that is missing in the preparation. You can select by administrator, part status, and part code, to create an image that only applies to a certain user's range of parts. You can also choose to show the stock balance for one or all warehouses.
- Lagging customer orders - this component is of the List type and shows (per customer) the value of the lagging customer orders, that is, the customer orders that should have been delivered prior to today. You can choose customer category, seller and product group.
- Cost of poor quality - this component is of the Chart type and shows the cost for registered nonconformities per day, week or month. Instead of costs you can choose to show the number of registered nonconformities or number of units registered on nonconformities. It is possible to select by order status. You can also select which nonconformity types you want to include.
- Delivery Reliability to Customer - this component is of the Gauge type and shows the delivery reliability to customer. You can choose classification of period, exclude row types 2, 3 and 6, select part types, period, work days, actual delivery period and customer category. You can choose if you want to classify by order row and if you want to include not delivered rows.
When calculating delivery reliability, the allowance for on-time deliveries that will be used firstly is the one entered on the customer and secondly the settings Default allowance for own delivery reliability in +days and Default allowance for own delivery reliability in -days will be used. - Delivery reliability customer per date - this component is of the Chart type and shows the delivery reliability to customer (in percent) per date for a selected period. You can configure the same settings as for the component Delivery reliability to customer.
When calculating delivery reliability, the allowance for on-time deliveries that will be used firstly is the one entered on the customer and secondly the settings Default allowance for own delivery reliability in +days and Default allowance for own delivery reliability in -days will be used. - Supplier Rating - this component is of the Gauge type and shows the suppliers' delivery reliability to us. The component corresponds to Delivery reliability to customer and you can configure the same settings.
When calculating the suppliers' delivery reliability, the allowance for on-time deliveries that will be used firstly is the one entered on the supplier and secondly the settings Default allowance for supplier rating in +days and Default allowance for supplier rating in -days will be used. - Monitor News - this component is a special version of the Website type and shows news directed only to customers and users of MONITOR. There you can enter a heading and select language (Swedish, Norwegian or English). Please note that Norwegian will result in the Swedish news page.
- Order inflow - this component is of the Chart type and displays a chart of the order inflow. You can view the order inflow during a certain period and you can select if the previous year's order inflow should be displayed.
- Order inflow per customer - this component is of the Chart type and shows order inflow for a selected period, classified by customer. You can for example select order date, number of customers, show customer code, chart type.
- Order backlog service order - this component only loads customer orders with service. It is a compact list in which you can see quantity and total amount for unfinished service engagements. The list is classified by Service type.
- Project Summary - this component is of the List type and shows information about projects. Each project is displayed with project number and name. Please note that this component should not be used if you have decided to show 4 or 6 components at the same time. Then there is not enough room to display the columns called CM and CR%.
- Ledger info - this component is of the List type and shows summarized information from the Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable. You can include overdue credit and interest invoices and also blocked supplier invoices. You can select customer and supplier category.
- Subcontract summary - this component is of the List type and shows information about the number of subcontracts and the cost for these in different stages. It is possible to select if order suggestions should be included and how long planning horizon that should be displayed for these, if any.
- Contribution ratio - this component is of the Gauge type and displays the contribution ratio (in percent) based on data in the Invoicing Log. It is possible to exclude the row types 2, 3 and 9. You can choose period and you should select which price alternative to compare with. You can also decide if CM for P-parts including SO mark-up should be displayed. You can make a selection of product group, part code, part category, customer category, seller and country code.
- Show website - this component is of the Website type and can show the contents of any website.
If you use the supplement called Warehouse Management it is possible to choose warehouse in the affected components. All warehouses are included by default.
It is possible to get customer specific components for your start pages. Please contact our Adaptation department at if you wish to create a component that is tailored for your business/operation!
Each component is of a certain type. There are five different types:
- List - shows a list/table.
- Gauge - shows an analog gauge, similar to a speed indicator in a car, for which you can determine the grading. You can enter the min and max value for the gauge, you can decide if fine or coarse interval marks should be used and you can also enter start and end values for the green, yellow and red areas on the gauge.
- Chart - shows a chart. The chart can be of different types, for example bar, line, area, etc. You can also enter the chart's period classification, period, chart type, 3D or 2D chart, names for category axis and value axis, and also gridline type and gridline interval for the category axis and value axis.
- Text - shows a text surface which can be used as a bulletin board or a message surface.
- Website - shows an area from any optional website. You can enter X and Y positions in pixels counted from the top left corner on the website so that the wished area on the website is shown in the component's display area. By using this button
, which is located above the component, you can also open the entire website in the standard web browser in Windows.