User Rights
You can configure user rights for different parts of the system. For each menu item you can define whether it should be visible or not, and whether or not it should be available on the procedure menu. If it is both visible and available, you can configure four user right levels, see below.
For top-level modules and menu headings, you can only define whether or not they should be visible and/or available. Underlying menu items will then by default receive the same settings.
A user group can be assigned different user rights for different parts of the system. There is also an option to configure the menu as visible / available or not, in order to hide or deny access to certain portions of the menu for that particular group. A new group is normally assigned both visible and available modules, as well as "Full access" to the entire system.
The different user right settings that you can configure for both modules, menu headings and menu items are:
This option is checked by default. If it is deselected the item will not be visible in the menu.
This option is checked by default. If you uncheck the box, the object will be greyed out on the menu and cannot be opened.
The following user right levels can also be configured for menu items if both the Visible and Available settings have been checked.
Full access
This alternative provides the group with user rights that allow them to add and delete records, as well as modify existing records. This alternative is standard for all menu items in a new group.
Read only
This alternative gives the group "read only" rights for existing records. They cannot change, add or delete records. In the procedures used for registering or updating records, this limited access is displayed with a red X over the Save button in the window functions. In Search Forms/Create tabs for lists, in which you can update records, the Save button will be hidden, and a red X is displayed over the diskette symbol.
Red X over the Save button.
Red X over the diskette button in a Search Form..
Modify only
This alternative gives the group the right to only modify existing records. In this case, they cannot add or delete records. If anyone tries to create a new record, the following window will appear:
Cannot delete
This alternative gives the group the right to add new records and modify existing records. However, they cannot delete existing records. This means that the Delete row or Delete record button under the Window functions will be greyed out, as well as the alternative Delete under Edit in the window menu.
Greyed out "Delete" button.