General Information about Statistical Goods Codes
Why Use This Procedure?
This procedure is used to register statistical goods codes. These codes should then be entered for all the parts in the system that are bought or sold within the EU. Each code consists of maximum 8 digits that describe each product or goods.
The statistical goods code for parts is entered in the Update Part procedure, under the Sales tab and at the bottom of the window, under the EU Info tab.
Using the procedures called Intrastat Import in the Purchase module, and the Intrastat Export in the Sales module, you can create Intrastat reports for all the products or goods that have been bought/sold to a supplier/customer in another EU country. The products are grouped together and reported per statistical goods code.
There are approximately 10,500 different statistical goods codes according to the current statistical list of goods for all products (the Combined Nomenclature of the EU). You can obtain information about the statistical goods codes for certain products from Statistics Sweden (The National Statistics Office). For information about rules and regulations in other countries related to statistical goods codes please contact the affected authority in each respective country.
Further information about rules and regulations related to Intrastat reporting can be found in the Intrastat Handbook from SCB (Statistics Sweden). Furthermore, you can access a list of all the statistical goods codes at SCB’s website at
Window Functions
Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.