
Certain statistical goods codes do not need to report their net weight on the Intrastat reports, just the quantity.

Here you can select if you want to show "Weight", "Supplementary unit" or "Both weight and supplementary unit" on the report in the Intrastat Import and Intrastat Export procedures. This setting is configured per statistical goods code. You will find information about how the statistical goods code shall be shown when it comes to weight and supplementary unit at SBC's website at

If you check the box for Supplementary quantity here, then that code will only report a quantity under the "Supplementary unit" column in the report for all those parts that are linked to this particular code.

If you select Weight here, only the net weight will appear in the report.

If you select Both weight and supplementary unit, both units will appear in the report.

If you for some reason want to exclude parts from the Intrastat reports you can select the alternative Exclude code from accounting. These parts will not be included in the control list.