If any questions should arise regarding this function, here you will find some of the most common questions and answers in order to help you with your troubleshooting:
How do I delete an invoice that has been scanned in an incorrect way?
If an invoice is incorrectly scanned, you always have the option to remove it. This is done under Show scanned (see the section called Scan Supplier Invoice).
Why do I receive an error message when scanning?
The error message below might occur because there is no write permission to the folder where the inbasket is located. Adjust the user rights for the user on the network or change the location of the inbasket.
Sample of an error message.
Maximum number of logged-on users in MONITOR EIM
If you receive the above message, it most likely is caused by the fact that the maximum of allowed users are already logged-on. Wait for a while and then try again. (see the section called License Management).
Already logged-on to MONITOR EIM
If you have too many procedures open at the same time you can sometimes get this message. You should then shut down all of your MONITOR procedures and try again. If it still does not work you should shut down MONITOR and then restart it.
Warning that appears when you are already logged-on.
How do I know which invoices that are on authorization round?
Use the Search Supplier Invoice procedure and select the list type Not authorized.
How can I see which signer/signers that have authorized a specific invoice?
When you have the invoice on your screen you can easily find out who the signers are of the invoice and also which signers that have already authorized it. Via the EIM menu you select the Invoice info to see this information.