Other Fields
PlusGiro Number
This is where you enter the supplier's international PlusGiro number for giro transfer payments.
Bank Account
This is where you enter the supplier's international bank account number.
SWIFT Address
This is where you enter the supplier's SWIFT address.
Please note! For some countries, you are required to enter the bank’s bank number instead of their SWIFT address. The bank numbers look differently in different countries, but usually start with two letters followed by a series of digits. You must enter all the characters without any spaces in this field.
Bank Name
This must be entered if there is no SWIFT address, or if the payment should be made via a certain bank.
Bank Address
This must be entered if there is no SWIFT address, or if the payment should be made via a certain bank.
Bank City
This must be entered if there is no SWIFT address, or if the payment should be made via a certain bank.
Country code ISO
This is where you enter the supplier's country code, according to the ISO standards. Please read your instructions from the PlusGiro/bank giro. This field is mandatory.
Central Bank Codes
In this field you enter the default Central Bank code. Please read your instructions from the PlusGiro/bank giro. This field is mandatory.
Merge Invoices
This field should be filled in if several invoices with the same payment date to the same supplier should be merged into one single payment.