The Preparation Procedure

You create structure packaging parts in the Preparation procedure. You should then select part type Packaging (G) for those parts. In the material list in the preparation you should then add underlying packaging parts and a fictitious packaging part as stated below, that should be included in the packaging structures.

Please Note! The packaging preparation differs from a regular preparation, as the material rows have been given special meanings and each material row indicates how many of the packaging in question are included in the next row. For example:

If the package type is not entered for a packaging part in the Update Part procedure, under the Sales tab and Shipping info, then the name will be loaded from this material row. There is limited space on the pick lists, so you should use short names (10 characters) for the package types (see below). However, in the packaging summary for pick lists, the entire package type and name is stated for all packaging.

Example of the pallet combination PALL4SM (G-part): 4 pieces of Smallbox red + 1 Pallet spacer and cover. This functions as a "packing instruction".

The number (quantity) of Pallets + Spacers + Pallet collars + Covers is calculated in combination, and is gathered under a fictitious packaging part (that part number "PALLML" in the example) in the preparation structure. The quantity calculation for the different components of "PALLML" will then be correct. The fictitious packaging part will not be printed in the pick lists, but the underlying packaging parts will be indicated separately with their respective quantities.

Example of the pallet combination PALLML (F-part) which is included in PALL4SM: 1 piece Pallet EUR + 1 piece Spacer + 1 piece Cover.