General Information about Traceability

The Traceability chapter describes how traceability for parts is applied in MONITOR. You configure the traceability at part level and it affects the functionality of several procedures in the system where parts with traceability are handled. Traceability is a flow that follows a part from a purchase order, via one or several manufacturing orders, to a customer order. The follow-up of traceability takes place in the Batch Number List and Trace Part procedures.

Why Use Traceability for Parts?

You use traceability for parts in order to keep track of the origins of a material used in a finished product, i.e. from which supplier, purchase order and batch number it came from. The batch number can be an identity for a batch or lot at the supplier, for example a manufacturing batch of steel from a steel mill. In MONITOR, the batch number denomination is used as an ID for the stock location in order to allow the material to be traced. According to the quality standard ISO-9000, traceability must be available throughout the entire manufacturing process, from raw material to the finished product.

Also see:

Starting to Use Traceability

Using Traceability