Follow-up or Tracing

The work flow described below shows how the actual follow-up or tracing of a part is made - from the customer order number, via the manufacturing order number to the batch number for material and purchase order in the Trace Part and Batch Number List procedures.

Explanatory sketch of the traceability feature.

  1. Using a customer order number as guidance, a manufacturing order number is created (equal to an individual batch number) in the Trace Part procedure, via the list type Sales.
  2. This manufacturing order number is then used in the Batch Number List procedure to find the supplier's batch number that was registered during the arrival of the material.
  3. Back in the Trace Part procedure, now via list type Purchase, this batch number is used to obtain a purchase order number and a supplier.

In this way, the tracing has been completed - from the customer, via the company and back to the supplier. The supplier can, if needed, use their batch number to trace the material even further back through their own system.

See also: Reporting Batch Numbers Afterwards