General Information about Block/Notify

In MONITOR you have the opportunity to block parts, customers and suppliers for different actions or to create messages for these records during different events.


You can use the Block function for registration and for reporting, for example to prevent that new customer orders are registered for a certain customer, or a certain part, to prevent delivery reporting etc.

If a part, customer or supplier is blocked, an Closedinformation window will appear with information if you for example try to register an order. In that window you can then choose to view the cause of the block, if such has been entered.

Message that the customer is blocked for registration.

In lists where you can register/report you will see the red padlock for each part, customer or supplier that has a block. Then it is not possible to register/report the blocked part, customer or supplier in the list.

In MONITOR there is also a simpler block function used for supplier invoices, accounts, tools, services and sellers.


You can use the Notify function for registration and for reporting. It is used in order to convey information about a part, supplier or customer to a user in the system in connection with order registration, arrival reporting, etc.

If a part, customer or supplier has a message it will be displayed in a Closedmessage window when the part is loaded in for example an order row.

Part notification.

Part Block

Customer Block

Supplier Block

Part Notification

Customer Notification

Supplier Notification