In this section you will can see a few examples of flows in the Print Shipping Documents procedure when using nShift Delivery Order Link, Pacsoft Online Order Link, Memnon or Frakdok.
Start by opening the Print Shipping Documents procedure, in the Delivery menu in the Sales module.
nShift Delivery and Pacsoft Online
Sample of an order with a delivery method with the service DPD Utrikes:
- Enter an order number and partial delivery number, if any, in the section called Source of info
- Click Load from Source of info
- Adjust the quantity, package type, weight, etc., if needed, in the section called Package
- Make sure that the shipping agent is PostNord Logistics, then the PostNord (Sweden) tab also appears.
- Open the PostNord (Sweden) tab.
- Make sure that DPD Utrikes is shown in the Service field and that the other information also is correct
- Go back to the Basic data tab
- Click the Print button
(The information will now be loaded from MONITOR. nShift Delivery will now handle the file and print it automatically depending on your setting in nShift Delivery.)
Sample of an order with a delivery method with the service DB Schenker Parcel:
- Enter an order number and partial delivery number, if any, in the section called Source of info
- Click Load from Source of info
- Adjust the quantity, package type, weight, etc., if needed, in the section called Package
- Make sure that the shipping agent is DB Schenker (the DB Schenker tab is shown)
- Click the DB Schenker tab
- Make sure that DB SCHENKERparcel is shown in the Service field and that the other information also is correct
- Go back to the Basic data tab
- Click Save and check that the package rows got package numbers in the ID column
- Click the Print button
- Now the button EDI advice to shipping agent is activated and you can dispatch EDI advices to the shipping agent.
Fradok (DHL)
Sample of an order with a delivery method with the service DHL Stycke:
- Enter an order number and partial delivery number, if any, in the section called Source of info
- Click Load from Source of info
- Adjust the quantity, package type, weight, etc., if needed, in the section called Package
- Make sure that the shipping agent is DHL (the DHL tab is shown)
- Click the DHL tab
- Make sure that DHL Stycke is shown in the Service field and that the other information also is correct
- Go back to the Basic data tab
- Click Save and check that the package rows got package numbers in the ID column
- Click the Print button
- Now the button EDI advice to shipping agent is activated and you can dispatch EDI advices to the shipping agent.
The EDI advice can be sent automatically after printing shipping documents by activating a setting. The setting is located under the heading Shipping under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.
The shipping agents' demands regarding how the goods should be marked and which documents that should be used for their different services are listed in their terms and conditions for the task and in the product sheets.