Reversal Voucher
When printing the revenue calculation ledger, it is also possible to create a reversal voucher. The suggested date for the reversal voucher is the last day in the next period. During reset, an accrual accounting record for the reversal will be created automatically. When using direct integration of the revenue calculation ledger into the accounting, a question appears asking if you want to create a reversal voucher when saving the revenue calculation. This reversal voucher will be saved to an accrual accounting record. The registered date will be the last day of the next period. It is possible to edit the date etc. in the Accrual Accounting procedure.
When releasing accrual accounting for the current period in the Release Accrual Accounting procedure, the reversal voucher will also be recorded. If you release all accrual accounting types at once, the voucher date will be loaded from the Search Form in the Release Accrual Accounting procedure. However, if you first choose to release accrual accountings of the type Reversal voucher, these can be recorded on the date entered on the accrual accounting record.
We recommend that you always reverse the recognized income from the previous period before you perform the revenue calculation for the current year.