Weight Calculation Table

The weight calculation table contains the necessary dimensions that must be entered for the selected geometric shape. The unit of measure used for these dimensions is displayed in the table. If you do not enter an inner measurement for a rectangle, for example, then the weight will be calculated for a homogenous cross section.

The table always contains the columns Drawing reference and Position where you enter a drawing number and row number for each row, such as "1" for row one, "2" for row two etc.

The table also always contains a column for Quantity in which you can enter the quantity of material records that you want to calculate.

Depending on the type of geometric shape you have chosen, the table will contain different dimension columns.

At the far right you will see the Weight column that shows the results of the weight calculation for each row, including a total sum for all the rows at the bottom.

The total sum is saved to the material row using the OK button.