This is where you decide how to classify and select the list. These are the available selection alternatives:
- Work Center
- Actual Finish Period Op
- Part Number
- Actual Finish Period for Part
- Part Status
- Order Number
- Actual Finish Period for Order
- Department
- Planner
- Part Code
- Part Category
- ABC Code
- Administrator
- Project
- Customer Code
- Order's Part Status
Apart from making your selections, you must also choose how to classify the list. As opposed to most other list procedures, you cannot change or undo your choice of how to classify the list, because in this particular procedure the lists will have completely different appearances depending on the classification choice. If you classify by Work center or Actual finish period Operation the lists will be divided at the operation levels, while the two other classification options Part number or Order number, will give two lists that show calculations at the order level.
Fields that are greyed out under the Create tab will not be included in the selection.