Save to
This is where you choose whether or not to save the post-calculation. This option is only available when classifying by Part number and Order number. If you save the calculation, you can decide to save it to the following alternatives:
- Post-calculated mean price - (only available when classifying by Part number). The mean manufacturing cost for the part that has been calculated, is saved to the calculation register as Post-calculated mean price. The mean cost can be calculated, for example, for a period of time. Orders with deviating manufacturing costs can be deselected from the mean price calculation. The deselection is made in the list Diff classified by Order number.
- Only to saved calculations - The manufacturing cost for the part calculated by the post-calculation, will only be saved to the calculation register. You can view the calculation register in the Part Info and Update Part - Inventory procedures in the Inventory module, by using the Saved calculations... button under the Manufacturing tab.
- Standard price - The manufacturing cost for the part calculated by the post-calculation, will be saved to the calculation register and configured as the valid or "current" Standard Price.
- Future standard price - The manufacturing cost for the part calculated by the post-calculation, will be saved to the calculation register and configured as Future standard price.
- Price lists - You create price lists in the Price Lists procedure in the Global Settings.