Printout Samples
Here are a few printout samples of different lists when using the four available classification alternatives, as well as comments regarding each list type.
List Type Standard, Classified by Work Center
The list displays all the finished operations that are within the selection criteria used under the Create tab. You cannot show subcontracting operations and subcontracting cost by using this list, and the material costs only include the P-parts that are linked to the corresponding operations. However, under the Create tab you can select the option Only subcontracting to show only subcontracting operations and subcontracting costs.
The Efficiency factor column is used to compare the planned and reported time for the reported material. A value that falls below 1.0 means that the reported time is larger than the planned time, and is therefore highlighted in red for greater visibility.
Sample of a Standard list classified by Work center.
List Type Standard, Classified by Actual Finish Period for Operation
The list displays all the finished operations within the selection criteria used under the Create tab. You cannot show subcontracting operations by using this list, and the material costs only include the P-parts that are linked to the corresponding operations.
The Efficiency factor column is used to compare the planned and reported time for the reported material. A value that falls below 1.0 means that the reported time is larger than the planned time, and is therefore highlighted in red for greater visibility.
Sample of a list classified by Actual finish period for Operation.
List Type Standard, Classified by Part Number
The list displays all the finished orders that are within the selection criteria used under the Create tab. If you want a more detailed breakdown of the sums for a certain order, you have the option of selecting the order number, right-clicking and then selecting the option Post-Calculation / Order. The order will then be opened in the linked Post-Calculation.
The columns Contribution Margin (CM) and Contribution Ratio % (CR%) are used to compare the reported cost versus a sales price.
Rows highlighted in Red are excluded from the mean price calculation when saving the post-calculation to Post-calculated mean price.
If you select the list type Only total and classify by Part number, you can update the part category at the far right of the list under the P-cat heading.
The EOQ is useful to trace differences in the calculation, as you here can see if the manufactured order quantity has been the same as the one on which the calculation was based. Furthermore, this is a way to follow up differences in numbers of manufactured parts, as it may sometimes be difficult to select an adequate EOQ on which the calculation should be based, as the manufactured quantities vary. Then it is easy to see if we have based the calculation on a reasonable EOQ.
Sample of a Standard list classified by Part number.
List Type Standard, Classified by Order Number
The list displays all the finished orders that are within the selection criteria used under the Create tab. If you want a more detailed breakdown of the sums for a certain order, you have the option of selecting the order number, right-clicking and then selecting the option Post-Calculation / Order. The order will then be opened in the linked Post-Calculation.
At the far right you will see Period, Project, Customer code and under Update Status it is possible to check / uncheck which orders that shall be updated to Status 5 (Post-calculated).
Further to the right you will see the actual and planned throughput time, as well as the difference between them. You will also see average and median values for those three columns.
At the end of the list you will see the indirect time, that contains any total indirect time reported when finishing or interrupting work in the Recording Terminal. The cost for this time is included in the total that you will find in the reported processing column. After the indirect time in this list list you will find columns that indicate, in red, if something has been incompletely reported on the order. The indications and warnings are:
In the Rest column:
- M = Material exists in this order that still has a rest quantity.
- O = Operation exists in this order that still has a rest quantity.
In the Time=0 column:
- O = Operation exists where the reported time is 0.
If you select list type Diff, you will get a list that by sorting per Diff % or Contribution Ratio can be used to quickly localize the part numbers and orders that have had the worst and best result with regard to a preparation or sales price.
To the right of the list you will see the planned throughput time (Planned TPT), as well as a column that shows the difference between the planned and actual throughput time.
Sample of a Standard list classified by Order number (the right portion of the image is continued below).
The right portion of the image.
List Diff, Classified by Order Number
The list displays all the finished orders that are within the selection criteria used under the Create tab. If you want a more detailed breakdown of the sums for a certain order, you have the option of selecting the order number, right-clicking and then selecting the option Post-Calculation / Order. The order will then be opened in the linked Post-Calculation.
Total amounts are shown for planned and reported manufacturing costs, diff in %, selected sales price compared to CM and CR, CM and CR %. If the value is negative, the Diff is shown in red, i.e. the reported manufacturing cost exceeds the planned manufacturing cost.
At the far right you will find the box Update Status used to check / uncheck an order that shall be updated to Status 5 (Post-calculated). Further to the right, you will find a box called M-pr. calc. except. There you can exclude an order from the mean price calculation when saving the post-calculation to Post-calculated mean price. This will affect orders that have reported manufacturing costs that deviate a lot from the planned values.
To the right of the list you will see the planned throughput time (Planned TPT), as well as a column that shows the difference between the planned and actual throughput time.
Sample of the list when classifying by Order number. (the right portion of the image is continued below).
The right portion of the image.