Printout Samples

When using Display List under the window functions, you can see which parts that will be included in the calculation under the Display List tab, based on the selections made under the Create tab. The list allows you to deselect one or several parts that will not be included in the calculation, before starting to calculate by clicking on Calculate under the window functions or under File in the Window menu.

ClosedThe Pre-Calculation Selection List - Before Calculation

This list shows information for each part - before calculation - such as Name, Type, Part code, Links to customer codes, EOQ, Annual volume, Balance, Unit and Standard Price. The Old price and New price, as well as the difference between these (in %) are still set to zero.. The Calculation column (used to determine if it shall be included in the calculation or not). At the far right you will see the last price change date as well as the last calculation date.

Before the calculation takes place, you can change any optional EOQ values. These will then become red, just like all the values that are loaded from the value that you entered under the Create tab for the parts that are missing their EOQ, in order to indicate that modifications have been made prior to calculation. During the calculation, the program will step through the list and pre-calculate those parts that are checked in the Calculation column, and replace the old and new price, based on the Quantity as well as any other terms and the price alternative that was selected under Save to under the Create tab.

Sample of a Pre-Calculation Selection list - before calculation.

ClosedThe Pre-Calculation Selection List - After Calculation

This list shows - after calculation - the above information, as well as the values for the old price, what the new price will be and the difference between them. The parts that you do not want to save a calculation for, can now be unchecked in the Save column.

Sample of a Pre-Calculation Selection list - after calculation

A message is shown after the calculation as a reminder that you execute the calculation by Save.

You use the list under the Warnings tab as a basis for parts that should not be saved. This list contains the warnings that may exist for the calculated parts, blocked records, price information that is missing for incorporated parts etc. When you save, a control question appears asking if you want to save the calculation.